The Support Center is great, and the interface is manageable. It is easy to forward numbers from a landline to a cellphone, from a landline to another landline, to set up voicemail, and to change numbers. If you don't have time to do that, the Support Center will do it for you!
Super easy to use. Recommend.
It is an absolute nightmare trying to get daily assistance on the products they provide to you. Extremely long hold times. Push back and stalling on all issues and trouble tickets. Very impersonal and indirect way of resolving issues. You have to babysit them to make any progress.
I use ATT VoIP for my nonprofit Engineers Withot Borders. Its a great way to keep organized and record memos, meetings, conference calls, etc, and it keeps cost of international calls down. It's also a great tool to moderate public display of information.
Rates are higher and you have to watch out for those hidden fees they don't tell you about. The quality is much to be desired.
Get at a discount price...Works good for me!!!
AT&T's enterprise VoIP calling service solution that is perfect for a small, medium or larger seized organization. Whether you have one or multiple locations, or you have mobile or remote employees, AT&T's VoIP services offers options for all business.
Get features like integrated voice and data lines, effective VoIP deployment & management, facilitate communication among numerous branch locations & remote employees, choose from a range of premises-based and hosted VoIP solutions